Dishing up Spirits, Secrets, and Pie.
The town of Sutter rings true to this GA native, down to each careful detail. The voice ranges from witty to downright hilarious, the plot is twisty and crescendos to a masterfully orchestrated finale, and there’s just the right level of spookiness. And pie—so much pie.
It was a joy to read, both satisfying and entertaining, as the mystery unfolded in surprising ways. It left me wanting to read more about what the future might hold for this interesting group of women–who happen to hunt ghosts.
The vintage dolls—aren’t vintage dolls always creepy?—were mysterious enough, but the secrets of the Talbotton family added a whole other level of spirited suspense. Throw in the witty and charming Ladies of SPI, four women after my own heart, and this cozy mystery kept me up all night!
SECRETS LAID TO REST is pure delight! This jewel of a novel is a smooth and engaging read…about murder, mystery, and friendship. And complicated relationships. And the paranormal. It’s also about change, growth, and the power of love…Catherine C. Hall is a master, making this multi-textured cozy one of the best you’ll ever read.

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